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Our library of 50+ awesome free legal templates are available for use by business users, including legal services providers. You can download, use and modify the templates free of charge subject to our template terms of use.
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The templates are a guide only. You are welcome to use them, but because of their nature, we have had to make them generic. They do not cater for every situation.
Businesses using the templates will need to consult their lawyer to ensure that their use of these documents are appropriate for their situation.
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capitalisation table
capitalisation table – discounted debt conversion
co-founder agreement – long form
co-founder agreement – short form
convertible note (KISS terms)
convertible shareholder loan agreement
director deed of indemnity
director indemnity and insurance resolutions
directors’ resolution to approve agreement
directors’ resolutions to approve share issues
distributor agreement
due diligence checklist
esop / employee share option plan (deed)
esop / employee share option plan (global)
friends and family subscription agreement
how to calculate your ESOP pool shares
independent contractor agreement
IP assignment
letter of intent
letter of resignation as a director
m&a due diligence list
mutual confidentiality agreement (NDA)
notice appointing a director
notice removing a director
privacy policy
resolution for entering into a major transaction
resolution to adopt a constitution
resolution to amend a constitution
resolution to appoint a director
resolution to change a company name
resolutions to approve a convertible instrument
SaaS agreement
SaaS terms of use
services agreement
share and other registers
shareholders’ agreement – product companies
shareholders’ agreement – services companies
shareholders’ resolutions to approve share issues
software licence agreement
software reseller agreement
term sheet – simple seed investment
term sheet for a KISS convertible note
term sheet for an M&A transaction
website terms of use
wholesale investor certificate
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